More Gym Progress Made!

Gemini Fitness and Combat
2 min readNov 1, 2020

On Friday there was progress made on the gym and getting us one step closer to getting the initial build out done.

We had a teammate of ours offer to come in on his off day to help tear down some things from the garage walls that needed to be done and to help put up shelves as well.

A lot of the work was done in the garage. He and TJ spent the majority of the morning ripping things down from the wall and it looks amazing. In the garage area we are putting in men’s and women’s changing rooms. In those rooms we are putting shelves up so that members can put their bags in a safe spot during class. He was able to get through one room and we are very happy with how it looks. We are going to add to it by putting in benches and a couple other things but the progress was good. Again, this is another friend and teammate offering to help and give us his time and effort to help us. We can’t thank these guys enough for everything they are doing for us!

Next for me was a boxing and kickboxing session. The guys came in for their session and hadn’t seen the gym for a while and so we had to show them everything we’ve changed in the time being. They were excited about the vision and think it looks awesome. It’s pretty cool to see people’s excitement when they come through the doors now. The transportation is happening and we can’t wait to see the next steps.

The session went great and we all got a good workout in. After they lift I was able to get a quick lift in myself. From there I had a couple stops to make on my way home. I dropped off a couple suits to get dry cleaned as they were way overdue. Then I made a quick stop at Shane Co. to get my ring size done. Those trips went pretty quick and easy and was out of there in no time.

My last stop I had to make was a trip to Teriyaki Madness to grab dinner for Steph and I. I got us a couple spicy chicken bowls. Once I got back home she wasn’t there yet and I passed out on the couch for a while. I was exhausted and couldn’t even make it to shower first.

She got there shortly after and we ate together and just relaxed for the rest of the night, spending some quality time together. She got us matching Halloween pajamas which of course we were wearing lol.

Thanks for reading!

Until tomorrow,

David Banko

Soccer Speed Training System



Gemini Fitness and Combat

We are a gym located in Englewood, CO and we help people live healthier lives through BJJ, Boxing/Kickboxing, and Fitness Bootcamps.