Starting the Week with A Flat Tire and Video Editing

Gemini Fitness and Combat
3 min readOct 27, 2020


As I found out in the snow storm on Sunday, I somehow got a flat tire. So, when I woke up Monday morning I called a tow truck to come pick it up and take it to the shop.

The tow truck got here about 1145am so I went outside to give him my key and help him get it loaded onto the truck. That took about 15 minutes and he took it right over to Pep Boys. I was going to get an Uber over there right after I finished up my call with Quickbooks.

The quickbooks call was to get us set up and learn how to do the basic tasks required for the business. We are going to use them for our reporting service to prepare to give to our accountant. The call lasted about 45 minutes and it was very beneficial. She walked me through things step by step and provided me with answers to all my questions. Then once the call ended she sent over a a few resources to help me further with the questions I asked. I was thankful for all the help I received from that call.

From there I called the Uber to head over to Pep Boys. I made sure I had lots of work with me as I didn’t know how long it would take. Once I got there and got set up it took until almost 6pm. I got a ton of work done sitting there however which I was happy about. They ended up fixing the tire for free and I only had to pay for the tow so it wasn’t bad at all. The downside was I missed the start of practice and wasn’t going to make it in time which was a bummer and I hate missing practice and being with the guys.

So instead I stopped at the store to get some groceries I needed. I got back home and got to work.

The first thing I did was work through some more of the website content questionnaire to get that ball rolling again. I made some progress and are in a good spot for when TJ and I sit down to finish the rest of it.

Next thing was to start editing all of the videos we shot for our arm bar course that we are making. There was a good amount of content to work through and it was my first time editing video so it took a little longer than it probably would have otherwise but nonetheless it was a good learning experience and I enjoyed it. All in all I got about 24 videos done and edited so they are good to go. It was a lot of content and we will constantly be producing more for the team and other BJJ athletes.

It was already 2am at this point but I wanted to get the script done for a soccer speed training mastermind I am putting together. So I went into Funnel Scripts and created the script I will use for the video. It is going to be used to attract people to attend the free mastermind about training for speed in soccer. I put that together and edited the slides in Power point. At this point it was after 3am and finally time for some sleep.

Thanks for reading!

Until tomorrow,

David Banko

Soccer Speed Training System



Gemini Fitness and Combat

We are a gym located in Englewood, CO and we help people live healthier lives through BJJ, Boxing/Kickboxing, and Fitness Bootcamps.